The bows we offer for live role-playing are authentic and allow not only realistic representation, but also actual shooting. We strictly adhere to the LARP draw weight restrictions. Our bows are made from high-quality natural materials such as rattan, which gives them stability and performance. Who wants to LARP with a plastic bow?
The authentic LARP bow
Bows that we offer for live role-playing (LARP) are completely authentic looking bows. They are not only intended to serve as part of the equipment, but you can actually shoot and hit with our bows. According to the rules for LARP, we adhere to the draw weight limits of the bows. Of course, in our bow construction we pay strict attention to the quality of materials and workmanship as well as the stylish design of our bows.
It would never occur to us to make LARP bows out of any plastic in order to give them the dubious label of "indestructible". We only use natural materials here and make most of our LARP bows from rattan - and for good reason.
The material rattan has already proven itself 100,000 times as a robust material for traditional bow construction: in tournaments, for recreational archers and in LARP. Anyone who knows natural materials knows that arches made from these materials are “string follow” if they are made without glass. However, rattan is the only material that can be bent back to its original shape, giving the bow its full tension and thus its draw weight and performance. Rattan also has the advantage that it does not splinter under high loads. At most it frays, which significantly reduces the risk of injury if things get too wild.
And last, but not least, who among LARP archers would want to go into battle with a plastic bow?